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Heidi & Russell Taylor cover the South Cumbria area providing specialist tile cleaning, stone cleaning, grout cleaning and tile, stone and grout sealing covering the restoration of all types of stone and tile.
Colour Grow, is a solvent based colour intensifying sealer that provides durable surface protection as well as allowing the surface to breath and enhance colour.
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Tile Doctor Products >
Tile Buffing
![]() Sixteen inch Buffing pads for Cleaning, Buffing and Polishing tiled floors. To be used with a standard rotary floor machine.
6 inch White Buffer pads for use with a hand buffing machine to lightly polish and clean polished surfaces without causing scratches.
Black Buffing pad 17" (44cm), for heavy duty wet scrubbing, use with with Tile Doctor Pro-Clean to remove wax layers and most synthetic sealers, also use on heavily built up grime and dirt.
Green Buffing pad, pad 17" (44cm), for medium duty cleaning, can be used on all types of floor (except polished stone), use with Tile Doctor Pro-Clean to remove general dirt and grime.
Red Buffing pad 17" (44cm), dry cleaning, polishing and maintenance cleaning, use with Neutral Cleaner after floor is washed and dried to give that finishing touch to the floor.
Tan Buffing pad 17" (44cm), dry cleaning, polishing and maintenance cleaning, use with Neutral Cleaner after floor is washed and dried to give that finishing touch to the floor.
White Buffing pad 17" (44cm), for light polishing and general regular maintenance cleaning of polished stone surfaces. Can be used in conjunction with Neutral Tile Cleaner or Stone Soap.
Tile Doctor Shine is a crystallising powder that provides a very high shine and tough durable finish on polished stone.
Ask the Tile Doctor Contact us for a personal solution to your tile installation problem by calling us on 0345 512 0122 or e-mail Please include as much detail about your issue as possible and if you feel it will help attach a photograph. Our Tile Doctor have many years of experience of dealing with the typical issues that people experience and were confident we can find the right solution. Alternately take a look at one of our dedicated sites below where we detail real examples of issues faced by our customers and how they were resolved. Ceramic Tiles | Church Floors | Encaustic Cement | Stone Fireplaces | Grout | Limestone | Marble | Pamments | Patios | Porcelain Tiles | Quarry Tiles | Sandstone Flagstones | Shower Tiles | Slate Tiles | Swimming Pools | Terracotta Tiles | Terrazzo | Travertine | Victorian Tiles | Vinyl | Stone Worktops |
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